Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2010

Here we go again USA OUTDOOR!

Neue Route 

27.7. Frankfurt ----> LAX in LA

In the movie "heat" (my favorite) you can see that view, too. Couldn't embed it, but click this link, watch the clip, then get the movie!

CANT WAIT TO SEE IT for real, because... 
Hongkong at night, from a hilltop, was the most impressive picture up to today, that i have yet to come across in my lifetime, ever.

Unfortunately my camera back then was way too crappy to get a clear picture:


and of course, no photo or video will ever come any close to the live experience. I hope ;) 

---> Las Vegas 1.8. - 8.8. @ Imperial Palace Casino/Hotel, booked way too expensive, but doenst matter anymore. Money comes and goes. Will be undoubtedly worth it.

Look at this picture... unbelievable.

---> the time after Las Vegas: about 4 weeks of camping, trekking, veiting bears & mountainlions, and all the other adventures waiting in the wilderness of the US Nationalparks like Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion NP, etc. etc..  Prolly will loose weight \ (0_0) /
I have to pack my backpack carefully. First I go party in the coolest cities out there, and then I turn 180° into outdoor activity. Big Challenge!

New Equipment

I have plans of making greater trekking-tours than only 1 day. I hope this works out because you have to get permits before you start trekking. Maybe the rangers don't let a single guy go.

AH GÄH! An Bären zum Affen machen!

---> after all, i am very flexible again. 31-day busticket for the whole southwest. 

---> Yosemite Nationalpark, don't know yet, how long or if. My heart says "If you don't go there, I don't want to be your heart anymore. Get you love elsewhere" ^^

---> San Francisco 15.9. - 20.9.


---> flight SanFr -----> Munich

Sounds good? Stay tuned. 

Pictures will be powered by Fujifilm FinePix S5600 camera (thx to brother) 

This tour is OF COURSE dedicated to my one and only

M o r l e

who got tired of her exhausting, nerv-wrecking life. She thought it would be a great idea to settle down in heaven, and crap on god's shower carpet now. Well, however, I will make you immortal, because... why not? ^^

Ahhh she loved that hat :D